Guardian Llamas

Rocket, our MVP!

Rocket, our most special "Guardian of the Galaxy," is a young gelded llama & a fantastic guardian of our sheep. Ever alert, he keeps an eye out for the entire neighborhood, alerting us if a strange animal, human, or vehicle is coming up the driveway or passing along the road. He also pays close attention to flock happenings. He assisted new, very surprised mom, Tahti, learn HOW to be a mom. When she wandered off from her newborn, Rocket gently guided her back. Repeatedly. When young Piper was missing at a recent evening barn nibble, Rocket raced back up the hill & across the driveway to find her & guide her back to the flock. 

He is amazing!


Cosmo, our second gelded "Guardian of the Galaxy" llama, is a key member of the gang! A little more standoffish than Rocket, Cosmo is a striking silhouette in the pasture as the wind ruffles through his silky hair. Both he and Rocket were "rescue llamas," saved from a few lonely years in an abandoned pasture. To add insult to injury, they were left with halters on (!), which over the years, created some damage. Cosmo's damage is more apparent where areas of his hair have permanently worn off. But we still love his fuzzy ears that rotate around at every unexpected or "dangerous" sound. He is always on alert with those big satellite ears--unless he is taking his daily dirt-rolling bath. 

Guardians with their flock

Skye under watchful eyes


All eyes on the pup Henry!

Rocket & Skye

Winter flock

Cosmo checking on young Atlas

Cosmo on alert